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How to reduce Cart Abandonment Rate with Risk-Based Authentication?

When talking about online payments, the first red flag that comes to mind is fraud. But there is another threat that is being overlooked. That being cart abandonment, which is causing headaches for both merchants and issuers. The first version of the 3D Secure protocol lacked in the user experience segment, making the cardholders suspicious […]

TOP 5 most reliable and user-friendly authentication methods in online payments

The interdependence of security and user experience is an everlasting topic. A common denominator that ties these two together is the authentication method used during online payment processing. Explore which authentication methods provide a seamless user experience while keeping you secure from fraudulent attacks. Authentication methods in a nutshell The definition of authentication can be […]

Benefits of Using Biometric Authentication in Online Payments – 3D Secure 2

The expansion of mobile payments opened doors for implementing new authentication methods, biometrics. Biometric authentication is a safer and more convenient way to verify an online purchase, demanding less friction and boosting customer satisfaction as well as decreasing chargebacks and cart abandonment rates. To find out more about biometric authentication and what the future holds, […]
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