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Understanding Dynamic Linking within PSD2

Nowadays, online transactions can be conducted using multiple internet-enabled devices (computers, smartphones, tablets), making the online shopping experience convenient for both cardholders and merchants. But growth in online and mobile payments brought concerns in other areas such as card-not-present fraud. In order to enhance online payment security Dynamic Linking came into play. Intro to Dynamic […]

How implementing 3D Secure 2 ensures ultimate security without compromising UX?

When discussing heightened security measures regarding online payment security, it is very important to take the customer's online shopping journey into account. Making a transaction more secure without interfering with User Experience is a challenge, but 3D Secure 2 ensures exactly that, maximum security alongside smooth user experience. To provide previously mentioned features, some actions […]

How do you benefit as a participant of 3D Secure 2?

3D Secure 2.0 provides fraud protection and online payment security to all of its stakeholders. These participants involve issuing banks, acquiring banks, merchants, and cardholders - buyers. Implementation of 3D Secure ensures additional authentication, which reduces potential fraud, including friendly fraud, lost-and-stolen card fraud, and middleman fraud. Let’s find out who is involved and how […]
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